ScarWork Services

What is ScarWork?

ScarWork is a gentle and highly effective manual tissue release method for restoring health to the body post surgery, injury or accident. This original work from Sharon Wheeler is an evolution of structural integration specific to integrating scar tissue into the fascial web, helping to restore the body to pre-scar health and wellbeing.

Tightness Relief

ScarWork clients report feeling relief from symptoms of pulling, tightness, and numbness. The surface of the skin and the tissues deep in the body below a scar release and let go — creating more space and freedom.

Improved Scar Appearance

It doesn’t matter if your scar is three or 30 years old. As the scar tissue is liberated and integrated, the body responds with increased flow of lymph and circulation through the tissues, improving the scar’s appearance.

Increased Mobility & Freedom

Scar tissue can “grab onto” other body structures like our vital organs. By releasing this hold, the opening and flow can bring health and improved vitality to the area of affect and the entire structure of the body.

Who benefits from ScarWork?

Anyone with a tight, uncomfortable scar that’s more than three months old can benefit from ScarWork therapy. This work benefits people of all ages with varying experiences and conditions, and can assist those recovering with scars from:

  • Accidents

  • Injuries

  • Burns

  • Cesarean-section birth

  • Mastectomy or lumpectomy

  • Hysterectomy

  • Spinal surgery

  • Open heart surgery

  • Hip replacements

  • Overall health

“ScarWork Client Testimonial here.”

— Client Name