Structural Integration and ScarWork Practitioner & Instructor
Upcoming Scarwork Classes
ScarWork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web
Thursday, October 24 - Sunday, October 27 — SOLD OUT!
ScarWork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web
Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Sunday, March 2, 2025 — Tybee Island, GA
Feel more freedom in your body
Structural Integration
Molly is a certified practitioner of Dr. Ida Rolf’s Method for Structural Integration. This practice improves body alignment, body systems function and mobility.
Lymph Drainage Therapy
Molly practices the Chikly Method of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy. This therapy can be an adjunct to Scarwork.
Molly is a certified instructor and practitioner of Sharon Wheeler’s method of ScarWork. This method is highly effective for improving multiple scar tissue related issues.
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Molly is a certified instructor and practitioner of Sharon Wheeler’s method of ScarWork. This method is highly effective for improving multiple scar tissue related issues.
Cranio-Sacral Touch
Molly uses Intuitive Visionary Skills and a Biodynamic approach to evoke the innate healer within each client.
My practice and service offerings focus on your wholeness and wellness. I’m looking forward to helping you on your journey.
After just one session of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration, your body can feel lighter and move more freely. The fascial web, your connective tissue, is impacted throughout your life by simply using your body! Accidents, injuries, playing sports or sitting at a desk can all create changes in your structure and fascia. This method frees the fascia, then helps you breathe and move with more ease as your body lets go.