About Molly

Molly’s Qualifications and Certifications

Certified Structural Integration Practitioner

Graduate of the Guild for Structural Integration 2015

Molly studied the Rolf method with the Guild for Structural Integration. Most notably, her mentors have included teachers who trained directly under Dr. Rolf including Emmett Hutchins, Neal Powers, Ron Thompson and Sharon Wheeler.

Certified Sharon Wheeler ScarWork Teacher since 2015

Specialist in Sharon Wheeler’s Method of Scarwork- Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web and Sharon’s BoneWork

Ongoing Mentorship in Structural Integration with emphasis on teaching skill development with Liz Stewart, Board Certified Rolf Practitioner and Mentor

SC Licensed Massage Therapist since 2005

Trained in Lymph Drainage Therapy with the Bruno Chikly Institute,

Molly has trained in Visionary Craniosacral Work with the Milne Institute and completed a mentorship in Biodynamic Stillness Touch with Gioriga Milne.

Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner

Completed Yoga Teacher Training and Bhakti Immersion in 2009

Graduate of Sacred Intimacy through a Tantric Lens 2016, Ongoing studies in Tantric Principles and Foundations