Upcoming Events

I am inspired to teach by my students and as an evolution of my practice.

The classes I am currently offering are noted below. If you are interested in hosting a class in your community please contact me.

ScarWork- Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web features the inspired teachings and techniques of Sharon Wheeler, Certified Advanced Rolfer. 

Tantra Classes explore teachings from Molly’s ongoing studies inside a Tantric lineage that encourages wholeness, wellness, transformation, evolution and connection.

ScarWork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web
to Oct 27

ScarWork: Integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web

In this class, students will learn Sharon Wheeler’s techniques for integrating Scar Tissue into the Fascial Web. These methods are easy to learn and highly effective for working with scarring of all kinds. From surgical interventions to accidents and injuries the student will be provided with tools for helping the connective tissue “find it’s way home” as Sharon says.

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